TOSHIBA ER6V/3.6V Non-Rechargeable PLC/CNC Ultra Lithium Battery with Plug
The battery can work normally in the range of -40C~+85C. The capacity at -40C is approximately 50% of the normal temperature capacity, showing excellent high and low temperature performance
Battery range: mechanical equipment, CNC system, alarm system, servo motor and other memory batteries.
Features :-
Enhanced capacity
High voltage response, stable during most of the lifetime of the application Wide operating temperature range (- 60 C/+ 85C)
Easy integration into compact system
Superior resistance to atmospheric corrosion
Model Name/Number : ER6V/3.6V
Battery Capacity : 2400mAh
Voltage : 3.6V
Weight : 19gm
Height : 50mm
Diameter : 17m
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